New walkers need a year of walking experience before they can use the strategy of taking a step or two to regain balance when threatened to avoid falling.
Deficiencies of hormones rather than excesses of hormones di…
Deficiencies of hormones rather than excesses of hormones disturb the normal process of growth and development.
Until age 50 years, the loss of muscle mass is slight (appro…
Until age 50 years, the loss of muscle mass is slight (approximately 10% of muscle mass).
Because not all muscle fibers are differentiated to a specif…
Because not all muscle fibers are differentiated to a specific type of fiber, such as type I or type IIb, we know that infants’ early activities influence the proportion of fiber types, so we can prepare them to excel at certain kinds of activities in later life.
The sound patterns to which we are exposed in infancy might…
The sound patterns to which we are exposed in infancy might be the basis for cultural preferences for certain types of music.
Which of the following task constraints makes catching more…
Which of the following task constraints makes catching more difficult for young children?
On visual-kinesthetic perception tasks, children find the ta…
On visual-kinesthetic perception tasks, children find the task more difficult if the information is presented first in the kinesthetic sense.
Which of the following is the fastest growing in infancy and…
Which of the following is the fastest growing in infancy and childhood?
Evidence from animal research indicates that self-produced l…
Evidence from animal research indicates that self-produced locomotion and the associated perceptual experiences, compared with having the same perceptual experiences through passive movement, are necessary for normal development of visual perception.
A very young child’s early attempts at sidearm striking ofte…
A very young child’s early attempts at sidearm striking often resembles early attempts at throwing overhand.