Choose the best answer for each.


Chооse the best аnswer fоr eаch.

Chооse the best аnswer fоr eаch.

Chооse the best аnswer fоr eаch.

Tаble: Gridwоrld MDP Tаble: Gridwоrld MDP   Figure: Trаnsitiоn Function Figure: Transition Function   Review Table: Gridworld MDP and Figure: Transition Function. The gridworld MDP operates like the one discussed in lecture. The states are grid squares, identified by their column (A, B, or C) and row (1 or 2) values, as presented in the table. The agent always starts in state (A,1), marked with the letter S. There are two terminal goal states: (C,2) with reward +1, and (A,2) with reward -1. Rewards are 0 in non-terminal states. (The reward for a state is received before the agent applies the next action.) The transition function in Figure: Transition Function is such that the intended agent movement (Up, Down, Left, or Right) happens with probability 0.8. The probability that the agent ends up in one of the states perpendicular to the intended direction is 0.1 each. If a collision with a wall happens, the agent stays in the same state, and the drift probability is added to the probability of remaining in the same state. The discounting factor is 1. The agent starts with the policy that always chooses to go Up, and it executes three trials: the first trial is (A,1)–(A,2), the second is (A,1)–(A,2), and the third is (A,1)–(B,1)–(C,1)–(C,2). Given these traces, what is the Monte Carlo (direct utility) estimate for state (A,1)?