Complete the function get_column to extract an entire column…


Cоmplete the functiоn get_cоlumn to extrаct аn entire column from dаta to a list. The formate of the dataset is: data = [    ["male","18","student"], # row 1    ["female","16","student"], # row 2    ["male","22","TA"]  # row 3    # ... more rows]header = ["gender","age","role"] Since multiple dropdown makes it a little hard to read, we put the well-formatted version of code here. Select the correct code replacements in the below list of drop downs. def get_column(col_name):   col_idx = **blank1**    data_column = []    for row in data:       data_column.append(row[**blank2**])   return **blank3** get_column("gender") # sample invocation Select the best choice for: [blank1] [blank2] [blank3]