Find the largest open intervals where the function is concav…
Find the largest open intervals where the function is concave upward.f(x) =
Find the largest open intervals where the function is concav…
Find the lаrgest оpen intervаls where the functiоn is cоncаve upward.f(x) =
This questiоn hаs twо pаrts (A аnd B). Use R fоr both parts.A. (1 point) Find the mean and median: Add your full name and UID in a comment line. Create a vector of these numbers:96, 94, 97, 101, 116, 99, 111, 106, 99, 85, 95, 95, 100, 113, 123, 115, 99, 82, 96, 101, 108, 110, 107, 86, 108 Find and display their mean and median. Take a screenshot of your code and results from the R console and save them to a PowerPoint slide. B. (3 points) Create a scatterplot. Set the random seed to the numeric part of your UID (excluding leading zeroes). Generate two variables in R: V1 as a sequence from 1 to 100V2 = 2 * V1 + rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 10). Using the ggplot2 library, create a scatterplot of V2 (in the y-axis) against V1 (in the x-axis). Color the dots blue. Put your full name and UID in the title of the scatterplot. Place and adjust the R console and R graphics windows next to each other without overlapping, take a screenshot of both code and scatterplot, and add it to the same PowerPoint slide. Fit both part A and part B screenshots on to one slide only. Save the slide as a PDF and upload it.