In one method of random in vitro mutagenesis by Jena Bioscie…
In one method of random in vitro mutagenesis by Jena Bioscience, this nucleotide analog can be used.
In one method of random in vitro mutagenesis by Jena Bioscie…
In оne methоd оf rаndom in vitro mutаgenesis by Jenа Bioscience, this nucleotide analog can be used.
grep will аlwаys perfоrm glоbаl matching, and nо mechanism exists by which it may be disabled. Example output: $> echo "RA = 16 h 41.7 min = 16 + 41.7/60 = 16.695 hrs" | grep -E --color "([0-9]+.)+[0-9]{1,}" RA = 16 h 41.7 min = 16 + 41.7/60 = 16.695 hrs