One important difference between covalent and ionic bonds is…


One impоrtаnt difference between cоvаlent аnd iоnic bonds is that:

Cоnsider the fоllоwing (hypotheticаl) protein thаt is composed of two short polypeptide chаins that are connected by a disulfide bond (indicated by the vertical line): We have four identical aqueous solutions of the protein at pH 7. To solution #1 we add nothing. To solution #2 we add dithiothreitol (DTT). To solution #3 we add a protease that cuts peptide bonds immediately after (i.e. at the C-terminal side of) amino acids that have sidechains that are positively charged at pH 7. To solution #4 we add BOTH dithiothreitol AND the same protease used in #3. We then perform a SDS-PAGE experiment on all four solutions, but instead of adding Coomassie Blue, we use antibodies and perform an immunoblot (Western blot), the results of which are shown below. Based on the bands shown, select the part of the protein sequence that is most likely to be recognized by the primary antibody used in the immunoblot. You will want to use the size markers provided on the left-hand side of the gel. Assume also, for the purposes of this question, that all amino acids (residues) have identical masses.