PLEASE INDICATE WHICH EXTRA CREDIT POINT VALUE YOU ARE WISHING TO ATTAIN ON YOUR ATTACHED SUBMISSION ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS WITHIN THIS EXTRA CREDIT MODULE AND RE-LISTED BELOW. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN A REDUCTION IN THE EXTRA CREDIT POINTS YOU EARN:Extra Credit:Handwritten Outline Extra Credit Earners: If you are submitting handwritten outlines and you having trouble uploading due to the format, etc., please reach out to me via e-mail at prior to the deadline with your outline(s) attached to your e-mail.50 Point Extra Credit Applied to Over All Grade Extra Credit:The 50-point extra credit earner will have handwritten an outline covering all of the Chapters covered for Exam 1, 2, and 3 (with the total chapters outlined by the end of this course being ch.’s 1-21) and submitted/ uploaded them in Black Board (“BB”) by the deadline for each (each deadline for each exam outline is 24-hours prior to each Exam’s Due Date).40 Point Extra Credit Applied to Over All Grade Extra Credit:The 40-point extra credit earner will have handwritten an outline covering all of the Chapters covered for Exam 2, and 3 (with the total chapters outlined by the end of this course being ch.’s 8-21) and submitted/ uploaded them in Black Board (“BB”) by the deadline for each (each deadline for each exam outline is 24-hours prior to each Exam’s Due Date).30 Point Extra Credit Applied to Over All Grade Extra Credit:The 30-point extra credit earner will have hand-written an outline covering all of the Chapters covered for Exam 3 (with the total chapters outlined by the end of this course being ch.’s 13-21) and submitted/ uploaded them into Black Board (“BB”) by the deadline for each (each deadline for each exam outline is 24-hours prior to each Exam’s Due Date).If you hand-wrote outlines for a single exam, you will receive 30 points extra credit. If you hand-wrote outlines for two exams: (exam 1 and 2 or exams 2 &3 for example), you will receive 40 points.Typed Outline Extra Credit Earners:25 Point Extra Credit Applied to Over All Grade Extra Credit:The 25-point extra credit earner will have typed an outline covering all of the Chapters covered for Exam 1, 2, and 3 (with the total chapters outlined by the end of this course being ch.’s 1-21) and submitted/ uploaded them in Black Board (“BB”) by the deadline for each (each deadline for each exam outline is 24-hours prior to each Exam’s Due Date).20 Point Extra Credit Applied to Over All Grade Extra Credit:The 20-point extra credit earner will have handwritten an outline covering all of the Chapters covered for Exam 2, and 3 (with the total chapters outlined by the end of this course being ch.’s 8-21) and submitted/ uploaded them in Black Board (“BB”) by the deadline for each (each deadline for each exam outline is 24-hours prior to each Exam’s Due Date).10 Point Extra Credit Applied to OverAll Grade Extra Credit: The 10-point extra credit earner will have hand-written an outline covering all of the Chapters covered for Exam 3 (with the total chapters outlined by the end of this course being ch.’s 13-21) and submitted/ uploaded them in Black Board (“BB”) by the deadline for each (each deadline for each exam outline is 24-hours prior to each Exam’s Due Date).WARNING!:I READ AND CHECK ALL EXTRA CREDIT SUBMISSIONS! AND I TAKE EXTRA CREDIT VERY SERIOUSLY! THEREFORE, IF I DISCOVER YOU HAVE SUBMITTED SOMEONE ELSE’S WORK TO PASS OFF AS YOUR OWN FOR EXTRA CREDIT, BOTH STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE ZERO EXTRA CREDIT AND A REDUCTION IN THEIR GRADE EQUIVALENT TO THE VALUE OF THE EXTRA CREDIT THEY MADE THE CHEATING SUBMISSION FOR. CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED THAT TRICKERY OR CHEATING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! ADDITIONALLY, IF STUDENTS SUBMIT BLANK ASSIGNMENTS OR AN ASSIGNMENT MISSING COMPONENTS REQUIRED IN THE INSTRUCTIONS, THEY WILL RECEIVE ZERO CREDIT! NO LATE SUBMISSIONS OF EXTRA CREDIT WILL BE ACCEPTED. IT IS ALL OR NOTHING BECAUSE AGAIN, IT IS EXTRA CREDIT!AGAIN, IF YOU FAIL TO SUBMIT THIS COMPLETED ASSIGNMENT ON-TIME, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT- NO EXCEPTIONS. EXTRA CREDIT POINTS WILL BE REFLECTED ON YOUR GRADE ONCE I MAKETHE ANNOUNCEMENT IN BLACKBOARD TO THE CLASS THAT I HAVE FINALIZED GRADES ANDFACTORED IN ALL EXTRA CREDIT INTO CLASS AVERAGES AFTER THE FINAL EXAM ISPOSTED. ENQUIRING ABOUT EXTRA CREDIT CALCULATIONS INTO GRADES PRIOR TO MY ANNOUNCEMENT WILL BE FROWNED UPON AND RESULT IN A NON-RESPONSE. YOU WILL RECEIVE A 100 AS YOUR GRADE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT IF YOU RECEIVE ALL POINTS ON IT, BUT IT WILL NOT BE ADDED TO YOUR OVERALL AVERAGE GRADE UNTIL AFTER THE FINAL EXAM IS COMPLETED. If you typed outlines for a single exam, you will receive 10 points extra credit. If you typed outlines for two exams: (exam 1 and 2 or exams 2 &3 for example), you will receive 20 points.EXTRA CREDIT DISCLAIMER: Remember, extra credit is just that EXTRA credit. You do not need extra credit to do well in this course because it is not an actual graded assignment. Instead, it is there to help you by offering a second chance should you need it (because I believe in second chances for those who maybe had a tough week and missed an assignment or didn’t do well on a few assignments, etc.). All of the extra credit offered is designed to help you prepare for exams and understand the content of this course better, so none of it is a waste of your time. I offer this because I KNOW LAW CLASSES ARE HARD BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO READ AND UNDERSTAND SO MUCH AT A HIGHER LEVEL OF COMPREHENSION, AND THIS COURSE IS MORE DIFFICULT THAN MOST BECAUSE IT IS SO FAST AT 5 OR 8 WEEKS (believe me, if I had my way, I would make sure this course was a semester-long instead, but it’s not up to me). I am not speaking to everyone when I say this because I’m sure many of you are comforted and appreciative of the idea of having extra credit within a challenging law course like this one. So, I apologize that I have to say the following and be firm about things, but please read below: But, I will warn you now if ANYONE AT ALL complains to me about this extra opportunity (that they don’t have time for it, it is too time-consuming for them, too hard, too complicated, too much, or ask whether I please offer something additional or something simpler, etc.), then I will scrap and delete this entire assignment no matter who has already made submissions, etc., and no extra credit will be provided within this course. I will do this because as I said above, I do not have to offer extra credit in this course, but I offer extra credit out of the kindness of my heart because I care about my students and helping them wherever and however I can. However, there are limits to my generosity, and I draw the line when I see a lack of appreciation for what I so freely offer to help you. Offering extra credit in a course takes quite a bit of extra time for me and many professors do not offer any extra credit for that very reason. Therefore, I do not appreciate complaints regarding extra credit because it’s as if you do not appreciate my time (the time I’ve spent thinking of this assignment, writing these instructions, and organizing this assignment in blackboard so it is easy for you to submit it, and then taking the time to grade it , and tally it into your overall averages during crunch time at the end of the semester). I say this so you will understand where I am coming from and why I will act accordingly if anyone complains. It is not because I am a mean or a hateful professor, or anything like that, but because no one gets anywhere acting entitled and complaining about someone TAKING ALL THEIR TIME to help them. Especially if you consider that this assignment will essentially be your notes to help you do well on the open book and open note exams within this course. Even dogs know not to bite the hand that feeds them…, so I apologize if you are in this course where I have been forced to scrap this assignment, but every moment is a teachable one… and sometimes tough love is what people need. My name is on this course. Therefore, I care about the caliber of students who complete my courses. I don’t want any of my students complaining to their boss for helping them because I know that will never go over well. So, if you read this and someone within the course is thinking of complaining or ruining it for the class, please stop them by reiterating what I’ve said here or better yet, linking or copying and pasting this entire blurb to stop them. Again, I’ve graciously offered this extra credit in this course (when I do not have to) in an effort to help you earn whatever grade you wish to earn within this course. From where I’m standing, if you do not like the extra credit I offer, you do not have to complete it- it’s as simple as that. As I said above, you do not need extra credit to do well in this course if you’ve done well on all assignments and completed them on-time. Additionally, since this is my course, I can do whatever I like in terms of what extra credit I choose to offer, and when or how I choose to offer it.