Question 2 In Delphi, open the Question2_p project file i…
Question 2 In Delphi, open the Question2_p project file in the Question 2 folder. 2.1) Create a formCreate procedure. Set 2 tabs in the TRichedit (redDisplay) at 10 and 75. (3) 2.2) D&D uses throwing of a dice to determine in-game events. You have been provided with four images in the Question2 folder, namely: d4 – 1.bmp d4 – 2.bmp d4 – 3.bmp d4 – 4.bmp Create the btnThrowDiceClick procedure for the Throw Dice button. Create a random number in the range 1 to 4. Display this random number in the lblRandomNo label and then set the image’s picture to the correct file, depending on this random number. (14) 2.3) When registering you get a free T-shirt although you can order more than one. The registration fee is R250 for the day. The price of the T-Shirt depends on the size. Prices are provided in the radiogroup. Remember that the first T-shirt is free. 2.3.a) Declare a global variable for the registration fee. (1) 2.3.b) Create the btnCheckClick procedure for the Check button. You must calculate the final payment required on registration (set the global variable to this figure). Display the payment, as currency in the Registration fee panel (pnlReg), and change the background to a different colour, e.g light blue. (16) 2.4) Complete the btnEarlyBirdClick procedure for the Early Bird Button. If you pay early you get a 5% early bird discount. Calculate 5% of the registration fee you calculated in question 2.3.b. Display the discount in the pnlDiscount, and the final amount in the panel pnlFinal. (5) 2.5) Complete the btnSlipClick procedure for the Slip button. This procedure gathers all the information from the form to produce a nicely formatted slip in the TRichEdit redDisplay. Start of by clearing the TRichEdit. The first line must contain the name and the random number from the lblRandomNo label in brackets. The second line contains the words : ‘Registration fee’ and the amount of 250. The third line has the words ‘Number of T-Shirts’ and quantity from the TSpinEdit speQty. The forth line contains the word ‘Discount’ and the discount amount from the panel pnlDiscount. The final line contains words ‘Final Amount’ and the final amount from the panel pnlFinal. Ensure that the numbers are neatly in a column and rows 2-5 are slightly indented. Right click on the button below to see an example of the output for all the buttons in a new tab. (14) Note that programming style is important – variable names and indentation matter! (2) TOTAL FOR QUESTION2 (56) TOTAL FOR THE TEST