Questions 1-9 refer to the following Case 1: This patient i…
Questions 1-9 refer to the following Case 1: This patient is an 82-year-old gentleman with a history of a gradually progressive hearing loss in both ears, over the last 15 years. He states that he has difficulty hearing, especially in groups and that he understands better when people speak more slowly. This is the first complete hearing evaluation he has ever received. Consider his history and the audiometric data below, and then answer the following questions about this case: 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 3000 Hz 4000 Hz 8000 Hz Right Ear Air Conduction 30 dB HL 35dB HL 40dB HL 55 dB HL 70 dB HL 70 dB HL 70 dB HL Left Ear Air Conduction 30 dB HL 30 dB HL 40 dB HL 55 dB HL 65 dB HL 70 dB HL 70 dB HL Unmasked Bone Conduction 25 dB HL 35 dB HL 35 dB HL 55 dB HL 65 dB HL 70 dB HL ———- Otoscopy Tympanograms SRT WRS Right Ear Non- impacted cerumen both ears Type A both ears 45 76% Left Ear 45 72% Question 9: A patient like the one described above has had a stroke, and you are a speech-language pathologist working at a hospital. The FIRST thing you would do BEFORE evaluating the effects of the stroke on this gentleman’s language skills would be: