Scenario Questions 7-9 Setting: Long term rehab Gender: fema…
Scenario Questions 7-9 Setting: Long term rehab Gender: female Age: 49 Presenting Problem/Current Condition L sided CVA Past Medical History Hypertension Obesity Lives with her daughter Physical Therapy Examination(s) Static sitting = fair Dynamic sitting =fair Supine to sit=Min A Sit to stand=Min-Mod Static Standing = Fair with BUE Dynamic Standing= Poor with BUE Transfers=Mod A Gait 5′ Max A Vital sign Before activity During activityBlood pressure 142/86 mm Hg 120/70 mm HgHeart rate 82 bpm 155 bpmOxygen saturation 93% 90% Patients Goal: return to home with her daughter as quickly as possible. She has no insurancePT Goal: Sitting and standing balance-Good Independent Transfers/Transitions I gait with or without AD x 500 feet PT POC: Neuro re-education techniques to meet PT goal. Which of the following is the most likely the cause of the change in vitals?