Section C (Question 11): There are two students A and B work…
Section C (Question 11): There are two students A and B working at a fund raising car wash. Student A attracts passing cars at the rate of 3 per hour and completes a car at a rate of 4 per hour. Student B does not do so well and attracts cars at the rate of 1 per hour and completes a car at the rate of 2 per hour. Students cannot attract cars when they wash a car. There is no waiting space for cars. Thus the state space is S = {0, A, B, AB} where 0 = no one is washing but both are attracting cars; A = A is washing but B is attracting a car; B = B is washing but A is attracting a car; and AB = both are washing. We formulate the advisor’s problem as a continuous time Markov chain (CTMC) model using the above state space S. Then give the hourly rates for the following transitions: state 0 to state A = ; state 0 to state B = ; state A to state AB = ; state B to state AB = ; state AB to state A = ; state AB to state B = ; state A to state 0 = ; state B to state 0 = .