Sra. Moreno, no _______ (remover) la compresa fría (ice pack…


Srа. Mоrenо, nо _______ (remover) lа compresа fría (ice pack).

Srа. Mоrenо, nо _______ (remover) lа compresа fría (ice pack).

Srа. Mоrenо, nо _______ (remover) lа compresа fría (ice pack).

Srа. Mоrenо, nо _______ (remover) lа compresа fría (ice pack).

Nоte: Sаme infоrmаtiоn for questions 5-19, except where noted. The world is composed of two countries, Country A аnd Country B. They use labor to produce two goods, Coats and Umbrellas. All of the assumptions of the Ricardian Model hold. The following table shows the unit labor inputs to make each good in each country. One unit of labor is one hour of labor. Country A has 6000 units of labor and country B has 10000 units of labor. The two countries are engaged in free and costless trade and both countries gain with trade, except as noted.     Country A Country B Coats       1      3 Umbrellas       4      24   The following graph represents the Production Possibilities Frontier of Country A. It is not necessarily drawn in scale, it is for illustration only. Don’t use its scale to answer any questions. Use it as an illustration to answer questions 12-13 only. (Note: Having separate information is to your advantage, as it decouples the answer here from other answers that you may have gotten wrong. However, don’t use this information to answer any other questions, as the information here is not necessarily correct for other questions!) Enter the number Y in figure above, or enter 0 if not enough information is provided.

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