The Jоint Chiefs оf Stаff (JCS) include
Grаde Jаmes Mаdisоn's Fоreign Pоlicy:Foreign policies include all legislation, political agendas, attitudes, and activities relating to the United States’ relations with other countries and international organizations. This area includes issues relating to diplomacy, statecraft, military and warfare, foreign trade and agreements, alliances with foreign powers, and activities relating to international organizations. Like domestic policies, this is a sweeping category and one that should be given considerable attention while grading your presidential report card
Grаde Thоmаs Jeffersоn's Nоn-Presidentiаl Life:Many times, a president makes as much, if not more, of an impact outside of the White House than inside. In other cases, presidents have unremarkable public lives outside of the Oval Office. In this category, your job is to evaluate how much of an impact on America (positive, negative, or neutral) a president had both prior to and after assuming the presidency. Be sure to describe the president’s background, career, and accomplishments when evaluating their non-presidential contributions.