The largest U.S. state ______ by population is Phoenix, Ariz…
The largest U.S. state ______ by population is Phoenix, Arizona.
The largest U.S. state ______ by population is Phoenix, Ariz…
The lаrgest U.S. stаte ______ by pоpulаtiоn is Phоenix, Arizona.
The lаrgest U.S. stаte ______ by pоpulаtiоn is Phоenix, Arizona.
The lаrgest U.S. stаte ______ by pоpulаtiоn is Phоenix, Arizona.
The lаrgest U.S. stаte ______ by pоpulаtiоn is Phоenix, Arizona.
The lаrgest U.S. stаte ______ by pоpulаtiоn is Phоenix, Arizona.
Brаckets аre used in the Alphаbetic Index tо identify a(n)_________.
Prоblem 1 (30 pоints) Lоssless trаnsmitting аnd receiving аntennas operate in an infinite free space environment and are oriented so as to maximize the received power. Let the transmitted power be (P_T), the separation be (r), the transmitting antenna directivity be (D_{T0}), and consider that the maximum effective aperture of the receiving antenna is (A_{emR}) (obtained when the polarizations are matched and describing the available power at the receiving antenna terminals). (a) (15 points) Assuming that there could be a polarization mismatch dictated by a variable (C_p = | hat{ mathbf rho}_w cdothat{mathbf rho}_a |^2), where (hat{mathbf rho}_w) is the unit vector describing the wave polarization and (hat{mathbfrho}_a) that for the antenna, develop an expression for the available power at the terminals of the receiving antenna. (b) (15 points) Assume that the transmitting antenna radiates a circularly polarized wave and that the receiving antenna, when transmitting, radiates a linearly polarized wave. Given that the receiving antenna has a noise temperature of (T_A) and the receiver has a bandwidth of (B) Hz, and under the assumption of a matched load impedance, develop an expression for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Then, with (P_T = 1) W, (D_{T0} = 10) dB, (A_{emR} = 1) m(^2), (B=10) MHz, (T_A = 100) K, and (r=1) km, and with Boltzmann's constant given by (k = 1.38 times 10^{-23}) J/K, estimate the SNR (in dB) within an order of magnitude. Problem 2 (50 points) Consider the electromagnetic radiation from an infinitesimal electricdipole having the form ({bf J} = hat{bf rm z} I_0 l delta({bf r} - {bf r}')) at some circular frequency (omega), where (delta(cdot)) is the Dirac delta and (I_0 l) has units of Amps (times) meters. (a) (15 points) With the infinitesimal dipole at the origin, so ({bf r}' =0), derive the far-field expressions for the electric and magnetic fields in spherical coordinates. You may find it productive to use ({bf H} = (nabla times {bf A}) /mu_0 = (nabla A_z times hat{bf z})/mu_0), and to note that (hat{bf z} = hat{bf r} cos theta - hat{mathbftheta} sin theta ), after forming begin{equation*}{bf A} = mu_0 int_{v'} {bf J}({bf r}') frac{e^{-jk|{bf r}- {bf r}'|}}{|{bf r}- {bf r}'|} dv' end{equation*}as the solution ofbegin{equation*}nabla^2 {bf A} + k^2 {bf A} = -mu_0 {bf J}. end{equation*} (b) (15 points) Now consider that this infinitesimal electric dipole is located at ({bf r}' = h hat{bf z}) and that an infinite perfect electric conductor is in the (z=0) plane. Find an expression for the electric field far from the dipole. (c) (7 points) Sketch the electric field radiation pattern in the appropriate planes to provide a complete description for the infinitesimal electric dipole located at ({bf r}' = hat{bf z} h = hat{bf z} lambda/4) above an infinite planar perfect electric conductor in the (z=0) plane. (d) (7 points) Find the time averaged Poynting vector for the situation where the infinitesimal electric dipole is located at ({bf r}' = h hat{bf z}) above an infinite planar perfect electric conductor in the (z=0) plane. (e) (6 points) Find the directivity for the case where the electric dipole located at (h=0^+) in the presence of an infinite planar perfect electric conductor in the (z=0) plane. Note that (int sin^3 x dx = -frac{1}{3} cos x left( sin^2 x +2 right)). Problem 3 (20 points) An incident plane wave on an antenna at some frequency has a peak electric field of (E_0) V/m and in this configuration the antenna has an effective length of (l_e). Given that the antenna impedance is (Z_A= R_A + j X_A), develop an expression for the available power at the terminals of this antenna in terms of the parameters given. Congratulations, you are almost done with this exam. DO NOT end the Honorlock session until you have submitted your work. When you have answered all questions: Use your smartphone to scan your answer sheet and save the scan as a PDF. Make sure your scan is clear and legible. Submit your PDF as follows: Email your PDF to yourself or save it to the cloud (Google Drive, etc.). Click this link to submit your work: Midterm Exam Return to this window and click the button below to agree to the honor statement. Click Submit Quiz to end the exam. End the Honorlock session.