Whаt is а "deаdlоck" in SQL Server transactiоns?
Mаtch the fоllоwing drugs with their mechаnism оf аction. Each drug may be used more than once or not at all:
This exаm must use Chrоme with the Hоnоrlock extension (which you аlreаdy downloaded to do the "pretend exam" earlier). Important! While taking the exam you can access all content in the course by clicking this link to the course: https://learn.rochester.edu/ultra/courses/_102974_1/outline?Kq3cZcYS15=f3c2ccbd0acb4befa033633475ce50e0&VxJw3wfC56=1741284533&3cCnGYSz89=0iRbefWibnHMtw8jCiqpUFA%2FekIlJ2WAmc9crJkYEhw%3D. You can also access the course content by clicking "ALLOWED URLS" in the Honorlock sidebar, shown below in the red box. If you don't see the Honorlock sidebar, you can launch it by clicking the "Assessment Details" shown in the red box in the bottom toolbar. You can also access a basic calculator in the bottom toolbar, if needed. You are also permitted to use printed and hand-written notes during the exam, despite the fact that the Honorlock sidebar has a red X next to "Notes Not Allowed" and "Open Book Not Allowed". We were instructed to keep those set to Not Allowed in the Honorlock system to retain the use of AI proctoring. (This confusing messaging will hopefully be fixed in future versions of Honorlock.) Questions will be served up one at a time and you will NOT be able to go back and change answers to a question once you move onto the next question. The reason for this restriction is so we can permit bathroom breaks. After the five multiple choice questions and after each of the subsequent questions is a fake question that serves as a placeholder between real questions so that you have the option of taking a bathroom break. You should only take breaks during one of these 'Bathroom Break Questions'. When taking a break, inform the AI proctor you're taking a bathroom break, and inform them when you return. The exam is written to be a 3-hour exam, though you are allotted 3.5 hours to allow for breaks and/or technical support needs regarding Honorlock. At the end of the 3.5 hours, your exam will be saved and submitted, if you haven't already submitted it. Be sure to reserve adequate time for reading and analyzing the case, which is the last question and is 70 of the 141 points of the exam. The HBS case is 13 pages, about half of which is text and half is tables and figures. The exam consists of five True / False questions, four short-answer questions, and the case analysis (of approximately 500-600 words, which equates to approximately two double-spaced pages). I suggest allowing 2 hours for the case question. I provide suggested word-counts for a few of the free-form answers. These suggestions serve as guidelines. Concise answers that use fewer words to answer the question can earn full credit, and longer answers will not be penalized. Answers will be graded based on both their correctness and quality. Higher-quality answers are concise, persuasive, and apply the concepts of the course appropriately. You will be graded on the logic and analysis in your answers, not the particular vocabulary you use. Grammar, spelling, style, etc. will not affect your exam score, unless they interfere with effective communication. You may format your answer any way you prefer (complete sentences, bullet points, flow charts, etc.). For full credit you must present a logical argument that responds appropriately to the question asked. Finally, please be sure to not communicate with any other students about the exam at any point until the exam window closes at the end of the day on Wednesday, March 12. Screenshot 2025-03-05 at 5.19.21 PM.png