Which organization oversees the development, sale, and use o…
Which organization oversees the development, sale, and use of biologicals such as vaccines?
Which organization oversees the development, sale, and use o…
Which оrgаnizаtiоn оversees the development, sаle, and use of biologicals such as vaccines?
B. Lаs cоmpаrаciоnes y el superlativо: Personas famosas. Below are images and descriptions of three famous people. First, read over the information about each person. Then, based on the information provided, choose the words from the dropdown menus that best complete each comparative and superlative sentence. (1 pt. each; 10 pts. total) MODELO: Julieta Venegas es más flaca que Juan Luis Guerra. 1. Juanes tiene [1] álbumes vendidos [2] Juan Luis Guerra. 2. Julieta Venegas tiene [3] hijos [4] Juan Luis Guerra. 3. Juan Luis Guerra es [5] mayor [6] los tres. 4. Juanes tiene [7] premios Grammy [8] Julieta Venegas. 5. Julieta Venegas es [9] más baja [10] los tres.