Reаding Cоmprehensiоn: Reаd the аrticle belоw and answer the questions that follow. Dining Together? ¶1 In the past, sitting down to meals together was a tradition for most families. Life was slower and less complicated then. Families today are extremely busy. Both parents often work outside the home. Children have a lot of pressure with school and homework, and many are involved in extracurricular activities. From band to sports to theater, kids can be out of the house every evening of the week. ¶2 With busy schedules and the availability of quick and easy food, many families have gotten into the habit of eating on the run. It can seem difficult for a family to gather and sit down to dinner together on a regular basis. On the surface, this shift in habit may just seem like a minor change in family dynamics, but research is showing that the change could have more profound effects. Eating dinner together regularly can enhance communication within a family, which can lead to better relationships. There are also some specific benefits for children, especially teenagers. Here are some things that research is showing about children whose families eat dinner together at least four times a week: There are nutritional benefits. Children eat more fruit and vegetables and less fried food. They also drink less soda. They get higher grades and do better in school. They are less likely to smoke, drink, or do drugs. They are less likely to be depressed or consider suicide ¶3 My family is just like so many other American families. We’re all so busy that sometimes we only have dinner together on weekends. And we probably eat too much fast food. But since I learned about this research, I’ve decided that we’re going to make an effort to eat together more often. It’s been difficult, though. My children complain because they don’t want to be home at a certain time to eat dinner, but I’ve told them we’re going to try it for a few months no matter what. ¶4 I’m wondering what others think. Have you tried this? Have you had problems, or do you have suggestions? I’d like to hear from you. ¶5 My family has dinner together almost every night of the week. My husband and I believe this is very important for our relationship as a family. Sitting down to a meal enables us to talk and discuss what’s going on in everyone’s lives. Yes, sometimes it’s hard to get everyone 60 together, but I’m surprised that once we sit down, the kids often want to stay put even after dinner is finished. Sometimes we’re having such a good conversation that no one gets up for an hour. -Carolina T. ¶6 We have two teenagers. My wife and I try to get the whole family together for dinner even just a couple of times each week, but it’s really hard. The kids didn’t like it at first. The first time we approached the children and suggested it, our daughter looked at us pityingly and thought we were crazy. But I think it gets easier the more you do it. After a few months, there was a distinct difference. The kids aren’t sliding into their chairs at the last minute and then trying to leave as soon as possible. Now they seem to enjoy the opportunity to be together as a family and relax a little. It’s also better for your body; you can’t digest your food as well when you run from eating to another activity. We still manage to do it only once or twice a week, but it’s worth it. We’re going to continue to make this a habit. -Lee R. ¶7 We have three kids, and we never used to eat dinners together. Then, almost a year ago, my husband lost his job. He hasn’t been able to find another one yet, so now he devotes himself to cooking and making meals an important family affair. He’s actually trying to get the kids involved in all aspects of food production and preparation. So, he’s taking them to the farmer’s market and teaching them about agriculture. They’re really learning a lot, and I’m surprised at how interested they are. -Janice L
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This diаgrаm summаrizes energy transfers and mоlecule exchanges amоng plants and animals, as yоu will later learn we call producers and consumers.Plants require energy to perform photosynthesis. Photosynthesis uses the energy, water, and carbon dioxide to make glucose, which is stored for energy. Because energy is initially required, photosynthesis is a(n) ________ reaction.
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