All of these statements about a live axle leaf-spring rear suspension are true EXCEPT:
A: Combina las siguientes oraciones simples en una oración c…
A: Combina las siguientes oraciones simples en una oración compleja, utilizando un pronombre relativo. Ejemplo: Un hombre trabaja en ese café. El hombre va a actuar en el concierto esta noche: El hombre que trabaja en ese café va a actuar en el concierto esta noche Nos vimos en el café con un hombre. El hombre es amigo de mi hermano. Esa casa está en venta. ¡Sus jardines son dignos de un palacio! B: Escribe 3 oraciones originales sobre una noticia de actualidad (las órdenes ejecutivas del nuevo gobierno, los derechos de los emigrantes con asilo político, una noticia local de Cincinnati, deportes…) utilizando tres de los siguientes pronombres relativos: por la(s) que a quien(es) (a)dondequiera que lo que cuyo/a/os/as 1. 2. 3.
Completa las siguientes oraciones sobre las actividades coti…
Completa las siguientes oraciones sobre las actividades cotidianas de los estudiantes universitarios usando las siguientes conjunciones (no todas se pueden usar): sino que sino sin embargo pero o… o (escribe solo una por espacio) ni… ni (escribe solo una por espacio) 1. Me parece imposible que Jenny Margot hayan recibido la invitación a mi boda. Se la envié a la dirección correcta. 2. No tengo ganas de acudir a la cita, ahora ya es demasiado tarde para cancelarla. 3. Muchas familias no comen juntas en la mesa, lo hacen enfrente del televisor. 4. La gente no quiere oir palabras bonitas de los políticos, acciones claras.
Escribe 7 oraciones basadas en la siguientes imágenes. Escr…
Escribe 7 oraciones basadas en la siguientes imágenes. Escribe estas oraciones en los diferentes tiempos estudiados según se indica en cada oración. Utiliza todos estos elementos: las perífrasis verbales y los verbos modales como: querer, tener que, deber, haber de, poder, soler, dejar de, acabar de, volver a, estar por, seguir (+gerundio), llevar (+gerundio), tener (+participio), hacer (+infinitivo)… y otros que conoces. uso de pronombres de sujeto (si son o no necesarios) uso de objetos directos e indirectos uso de presente simple, presente progresivo, futuro simple, futuro compuesto, pretérito e imperfecto, pretérito anterior y condicional simple o compuesto (como se indica) “se” impersonal, “se” pasivo IMPORTANTE: No uses un traductor electrónico para escribir estas oraciones. (Regreso de la pesca- Joaquín Sorolla, 1894) (Cosiendo la vela – Joaquín Sorolla, 1896) ñ á é í ó ú Ñ ü ¿ ¡ Vocabulario útil: playa vela barco ola orilla buey (ox) madero arena oleaje marea redes pesca amanecer atardecer coser patio sombra luz tela (Presente progresivo) (Pretérito perfecto-Present perfect) (Pretérito imperfecto) (Pretérito pluscuamperfecto-it must have a cohesive context) (Presente simple, en una estructura de “se” pasivo) (Voz pasiva sobre la fecha escrita en letra de una de estas pinturas) (Condicional-puede ser una opinión sobre estas pinturas)
Manohla Dargis called the movie The Pursuit of Happyness “th…
Manohla Dargis called the movie The Pursuit of Happyness “the same old bootstraps story, an American Dream artfully told, skillfully sold. How you respond to this man’s moving story may depend on whether you find Mr. Smith’s and his son’s performances so overwhelmingly winning that you buy the idea that poverty is a function of bad luck and bad choices, and success the result of heroic toil and dreams.” What idea is being expressed here?
Consider a modern packet-switched network of three hops betw…
Consider a modern packet-switched network of three hops between a source host and a destination host, as shown in the figure below. source host —- packet switch —- packet switch —- destination host The source host needs to send a message of 1,000,000 bits long to the destination host. The source host segments the message into smaller packets of 1000 bits each and sends the packets through the network. The destination then reassembles the packets back into the original message. Suppose the bandwidth of each link in the above figure is 1 Mbps. Suppose the propagation delay of each link is 1ms. Ignore queuing and processing delays. How long does it take to transfer the entire message from the source host through the network to the destination host when message segmentation is used?
Change is inevitable. As humans, we continuously change thro…
Change is inevitable. As humans, we continuously change throughout our lives, along with our social support needs. Additionally, the importance of each type of social support changes along with the subtypes. For example, the social support needs of adolescents, young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults vary. Using the stage of the life span of your choice, explain how the appraisal, emotional, informational, and instrumental types of social support needs change over one’s lifespan. (125 words)
Mrs. J is an 82-year-old widow who has a rare and debilitati…
Mrs. J is an 82-year-old widow who has a rare and debilitating type of arthritis. Mrs. J’s next-door neighbor cooks and cleans for her twice a week. Mrs. J has maintained a close friendship with Mr. D, her former high school sweetheart. Mr. D is single and lives in a nearby retirement facility. He calls Mrs. J several times a week and patiently listens to her as she talks about her children and grandchildren. Recently, Mrs. J received a letter from the Social Security Administration informing her that her benefits would be terminated at the end of the month due to her failure to verify her annual income. Mrs. J immediately did what she usually does when she receives something in the mail that she does not understand—she called the Director of the local Community Senior Citizen Program. After Mrs. J read the letter to the director, the director told Mrs. J precisely what to do: immediately send the Social Security Administration (SSA) a copy of her most recent tax return. The next day, Mrs. J mailed a copy of her most recent income tax return to the SSA, and two weeks later, she received a letter from the SSA stating that her benefits had been continued without interruption. What type of social support does Mrs. J receive from Mr. D?
Enduring Ideas are also known as________________.
Enduring Ideas are also known as________________.
A quasi-experimental study has been designed to assess the e…
A quasi-experimental study has been designed to assess the effectiveness of Core stability exercises for the outcome of overall dynamic stability measured by degrees (the less degrees of motion the more stability). The study compared a core stability group with a control group of patients not receiving care. To control for possible confounders found at baseline an ANCOVA has been completed. Carefully review the table below and interpret the results to answer the following questions: What do the results revealed in terms of the effectiveness of core stability exercises when compared to baseline (pre vs post)? -consider p value. What do the results reveal in terms of superiority when comparing both groups? Consider p value and effect size.