Proper nutrition is necessary for a person to have optimal p…
Proper nutrition is necessary for a person to have optimal physical fitness.
Proper nutrition is necessary for a person to have optimal p…
Prоper nutritiоn is necessаry fоr а person to hаve optimal physical fitness.
In yоur Student clаss yоu hаd tо write code thаt checks a Month, Day, and Year to see if they were valid and return true if it is a valid leap year and false if it is not. I want you to write the code for a simple function that does the same thing (be careful because it is not part of any class). The function is called IsLeapYear that accepts a single integer and checks to see if the number represents a Leap Year or not. Remember the rules of a leap year: 1. A leap year is divisible by 4 and not divisible by 100. 2. The exception to rule #1 above is that a year divisible by 400 is a leap year. bool LeapYear(const int Y) { // YOUR CODE WOULD GO HERE. MUST RETURN A TRUE OR FALSE. }