Storage Scenario: An AS/RS with twelve aisles has one roboti…


Stоrаge Scenаriо: An AS/RS with twelve аisles has оne robotic crane per aisle. The twelve cranes are scheduled to operate from 5am to 9pm each day. Assume each store and pick operation, including loading and unloading, requires 3 minutes.  a) Select the correct daily design capacity in store and pick operations per day for the storage scenario. [DesignCap] b) Select the daily effective capacity in store and pick operations per day for the storage scenario. [EffectiveCap] c) Select the utilization if the actual store and pick operations were 2,800 on Wednesday. [Utilization] d) Enter the correct percentage for the efficiency if the actual store and pick operations were 2,400 on Thursday. [Efficiency]