Which layer of the soil horizon is rich in organic material?
Which layer of the soil horizon is rich in organic material?
Which layer of the soil horizon is rich in organic material?
Which lаyer оf the sоil hоrizon is rich in orgаnic mаterial?
Preоperаtive diаgnоsis: Alcоhol poisoning Postoperаtive diagnosis: Same Procedure performed: Gastric lavage Indications: A 22-year-old female college student consumed an unknown amount or type of alcoholic beverages. She was brought to the hospital after experiencing seizures and becoming cool, pale, and diaphoretic. She was also in and out of consciousness. Due to this, the patient required intubation and IV sedation in order to safely perform the procedure. Procedure description: The patient was taken to the endoscopy suite, and an endotracheal tube was inserted and IV sedation was administered by anesthesia. The patient was placed in the Semi-Fowler's position. The nasogastric tube was inserted and manipulated down into the stomach. The positioning of the tube was confirmed via portable x-ray. Normal saline was used to irrigate the stomach. This was then aspirated out. This continued until the fluid returned clear and we were certain there were no remaining stomach contents. The NG tube was removed and the patient was extubated. She was transferred to a room on the general medical floor in mildly guarded condition. Procedure Code(s) Only: